4   Test administration tokens

To use Griff-it you must first purchase some test administration tokens. Then each time you create a test session, a token is consumed.

If you have no tokens remaining you will not be able to create any new test sessions. However you will still be able to view and modify existing child records and test sessions, create reports and export data.

Additionally, one token is consumed each time you change the date of a test session, or modify the date of birth for a child who has at least one existing test session.

The number of remaining tokens is indicated by a counter in the top right corner of the main window:


4.1   Getting tokens

Tokens are distributed as key files. A key file is simply a file which is issued to a particular user and contains a certain number of tokens. Key files may be purchased from Hogrefe Ltd.

A key file is issued to an individual or institution and may be used only once. Once the key file has been loaded, the tokens therein are associated with the user who loaded the key file, and cannot be transferred to another user.


Tokens are stored per Windows user. In an environment where multiple users share the same machine, or where the same user may log in to one of many networked machines, each user’s entitlement is tracked separately. Technically speaking, token information is stored in each user’s roaming profile.

4.2   Loading and activating keys

Using a key file is a two step process. First the file must be loaded into Griff-it. Then the key is activated, which requires an internet connection.

Key files may be distributed via email, USB stick or any other mechanism for sending files. To load a key, simply double-click the file. This will open Griff-it if it is not already running.


Alternatively, you can open the key file from the main window menu.

Activation of each new key file is required. When you open a key file, you will see the following dialogue:


It is strongly recommended to enable automatic activation. This will activate key files as soon as they are loaded.

If you are in an environment without an internet connection (e.g. when visiting clinics) you may defer the activation step for a limited time. However once the grace period expires, any remaining token entitlement from the unactivated key will be suspended until you complete activation.

4.3   Spending tokens

There are three ways that tokens are consumed.

4.3.1   Creating a new test session

Whenever you create a new test session.


4.3.2   Changing date of birth

Once a child has one or more test sessions, changing the child’s date of birth requires one token.


4.3.3   Changing test session date

Changing the date of a test session requires one token.


4.4   Failure to activate a key

Each key may be activated only once. If you cannot activate a key that you believe is legitimate and has not previously been activated, contact support.